Current as at January 2023


Waikato Water Polo relies on player fees to pay for pool hire, coaches, insurance and other club operating costs. The fees are set by the Club Committee/Board each year and will be communicated to members via the club website, our age group coordinators at musters and the online registration process.

Online Registration is via the club’s website – www.waikatowaterpolo.co.nz The fees for the year 2023 are:


U12 Squad (Annual Fee) $275 (includes the membership fee)

All Other Age Groups:

Waikato Waterpolo Membership (Annual Fee) $40 

Age Group Training Fee (per term) $125

  • Membership will be invoiced on registration.
  • Training fees will be invoiced at the beginning of every term that there is training for the Age Group for which the player is registered, each age group typically trains for 2 terms, except U12’s who train all year, hence have an annual fee.
  • New members to the club are invited to participate in 2 training sessions prior to registration. On the 3rd session, the player must register and will be invoiced.
  • Unregistered players cannot train and will not be considered for team selection.
  • If a player trains for more than one Age Group, they will be invoiced for their natural age groups trainings, plus a training up fee of $80 per term to cover the additional age group costs.


NZWP Individual Registration (Annual Fee) - Members must register directly with NZWP before playing in NZWP tournaments.


All players selected to play at any tournament (NZWP National events or other club based training/development tournaments will be invoiced separately and in addition to Waikato Waterpolomembership/training fees.

  • Away tournaments where teams require accommodation are likely to cost between $600 – $850 per player. Tournaments in the South Island will also require flights which are not covered in these estimates. Tournaments that do not require accommodation are likely to cost between $150 – $200. These costs are very approximate and are to give our families an early estimate of what might be involved. This is because cost will vary depending on tournament location, duration, transport needs and whether funding grant applications are successful or not.
  • Upon naming of a team for a tournament, a deposit will be payable ($250 per player for tournaments requiring Waikato Waterpolo to make non refundable commitments such as accommodation or payment of tournament entry fees). If a player subsequently withdraws from the team, the deposit is non-refundable unless Waikato Waterpolo. is able to obtain a refund.
  • A tournament budget will be prepared and available on request (which should be within the expected costs shown above). At least 2 weeks prior to the tournament, the player (parent) will be invoiced the remaining amount based on the budget less any deposit and grants, which must be fully paid or a payment arrangement made with the treasurer at prior to the start of the tournament.
  • After the tournament, a “wash up” (where the final costs were either greater or lesser than budgeted) may be invoiced or credited to the players account. 


  • All players must be registered for the Campbell Cup competition.
  • The entry fee is $100.
  • Entry fees will be invoiced on registration.
  • One off games (without registration for the competition) are at club discretion – including the invoicing of a per game charge.
  • If a player withdraws prior to the Campbell Cup competition commencing, the fee will be credited/refunded, otherwise the full fee is payable. 


  • All payments are due within 7 days of invoice.
  • Payment can be made on registration or within 7 days.
  • Internet Banking: To pay via internet banking make payment to:
    • Waikato Water Polo Club
    • Westpac Bank,
    • Account number 03-1555-0091588-000.
    • Please ensure you reference your payment with the following:
      •  the players last name and first name initial
      •  Invoice #
    • Payment plans can be set up with the Treasurer.


If any fees are not paid, and in addition to any rights of suspension in the constitution:

  • Waikato Water Polo reserves the right to decide that a player will not be allowed to train and will not be eligible for tournament team selection;
  • Waikato Water Polo may pursue debt collection for unpaid fees and any costs incurred in pursuing such fees;
  • As per NZWP Policy, club transfers will not be signed/approved.


Club members with credit balances will be refunded if requested.


All queries on fees can be emailed to the club Treasurer (treasurer@waikatowaterpolo co nz).

2025 Waikato Waterpolo Registrations